Allowing Users to Replace their Lost, Damaged, or Stolen ‘My Love Rewards’ Card
Love’s Connect App
The ‘My Love Rewards’ card allows professional truck drivers to earn rewards based on how many gallons of fuel they purchase each month.
My Role
Lead visual designer
Interaction designer
Six months
The Customer Problem
If a driver’s card is lost, damaged, or stolen, the only option was to call Love’s customer service to transfer the credits, points, and status from their old card to their new one. This is not ideal, as it resulted in lots of waiting, and reading long numbers over the phone.
The Business Problem
Love’s customer service representatives were getting too many of these calls, taking away time they could be helping our drivers in other ways.
How can we save time for the user, while keeping our customer service reps more freely available?
Implement a feature in the Love’s Connect App that allows our customers to replace their card, and transfer their old credits to their new card.
Research and Testing
Moderated usability testing was conducted at a nearby Love’s location. The goal was to gather feedback on the card replacement prototype.
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We put together an InVision prototype for user testing. Here were our main findings:
  • Lack of clarity around whether certain UI elements were interactive or not
  • Validity of old card was not well-communicated
  • Biggest takeaway: The Confirm and Transfer screen was unclear. 8 of the 15 participants attempted to progress past the screen without checking all three boxes
Design Solution
The user follows a simple and linear path to get their new card up and running, keeping them in the loop from start to finish.
Design Solution
Entry point is found clearly on “My Profile” screen
Design Solution
Friendly and welcoming introduction
Design Solution
Scanning their new card
The final step conveys a rewarding message, giving the user a feeling of satisfaction upon completion.
Transfer summary
Design Solution
Most important step: confirming the transfer of credits
Design Solution
All done!
Launch and Success Metrics
Customer service got fewer calls regarding this issue, and could quickly direct the customer to the app.
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Number of Users who Completed the ‘My Love Rewards’ Card Transfer
Since its release, over 122,000 users have completed the ‘My Love Rewards’ transfer
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App is easy to use, and the points add up quickly. If you lose your card or its stolen it is super easy to replace and transfer to a new card. Good job on this app loves. Thank you for keeping america moving.

by Harold Brauminger

Sun, Aug 22, 2021

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Easy to transfer cards when you need to. Good job…

by Karen Akin

Sun, Aug 25, 2021

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